Sumbawa ( which is three times the size of Lombok ) is located on the east
side of Lombok.. Sumbawa`s capatal is Sumbawa Besar.Most of the diving
is located around Moyo Island and Sumbawa.Divers stay on Sumbawa as there
is no accomadation on Moyo Island, except for Amanwana which is five star
accomadation.Some of thier guests have included Princess Diana,Prince Abert
and verious holywood stars.。 |
●SEASON Diving is fantastic from April to November ●LEVEL These locations are safe for all levels of diving from beginer to the more experienced. ●DIVE STYLE All diving is from the boat, which will also be there when you have finished your dive ●WATER TEMPERATUR Average all year round 25〜29℃ ●VISIBILITY Average all year round 15〜30m ●MARINE LIFE You will discover an amazing aray of marine life which includes,sharks,bumpheads,napoleons,jacks,turtles,dolphins, and every kind of fish you could emagine including untouched coral gardens |
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